JK shared the following:
Orly is kicking ass again. Publish both letters on your blogs.
I have the audio tape of the show, but I have to cut it down to the clip. I'll forward it to you all when I am done. Pass this around. Let's make it go viral. If Orly filed a CIVIL suit against Medved for slander, maybe the BC documents could finally be obtained. Maybe Obama could be deposed. We have to start thinking out of the box.
Salem Communications
4880 Santa Rosa Road
Camarillo, Ca 93012
Joe Davis, President of Radio Division joeD@salem.cc
Chris Henderson, Vice President and General Counsel chrisH@salem.cc
Dear Mr. Davis and Mr. Henderson,
On Monday, January 19th, during Michael Medved's Radio Show, Mr. Medved made some very disparaging and slanderous remarks concerning my character, mental state and my motives for pursuing legal actions that question Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as President of the United States. Mr. Medved also made "false" statements concerning the merits of the legal actions that I have filed and insinuated that my primary motive for pursuing these matters is to receive monetary donations from an unsuspecting and misinformed public.
I find that Mr. Medved's willful ignorance on the issues surrounding Mr. Obama's "Natural Born Citizenship" status, and his unwillingness to familiarize himself with the merits of the numerous lawsuits that have been filed by concerned citizens, not conspiracy theorists, across this great County, is a great disservice to your listeners and the American public as a whole.
Under California law, statements, like the ones that Mr. Medved spewed on your radio broadcasts are considered defamatory. In a court of law, I would not need to show special damages (e.g., damages to property, business, trade, profession or occupation, including expenditures that resulted from your defamation statements) because the statements are defamation per se. See Cal. Civ. Code § 45a; Yow v. National Enquirer, Inc. 550 F.Supp.2d 1179, 1183 (E.D. Cal. 2008).
To remedy these slanderous and defamatory statements, California has a retraction statute, Cal. Civ. Code § 48a, that applies to the "publication of libel in a newspaper" or "slander by radio broadcast."
Under the California retraction statute, I have a right to serve you with a written request for retraction against the slanderous and defamatory statements that Mr. Medved has made about me, my character, statements he has made about my mental health and my motives for pursuing legal actions on behalf of my clients concerning Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as POTUS. Additionally, I have the right to request that Mr. Medved and your company and your affiliate stations that broadcast Mr. Medved's Show issue a retraction based on the misleading and misinformed derogatory comments that Mr. Medved made concerning the merits of the legal cases that I have filed involving matters relating to the Nov 4, 2008 Presidential election.
Therefore, I am demanding that you instruct Mr. Medved to invite me onto his radio show and allow me to defend myself against the slanderous and defamatory statements that he has made about me to your listeners. I am hopeful that this request will allow me to discuss these false statements and correct the misinformation that Mr. Medved has made public to your radio station listeners. I am requesting ample opportunity to discuss the legal merits of the cases I am litigating on the airwaves so your listeners can be fully informed on the issues concerning Mr. Obama's lack of eligibility to serve as POTUS.
If you do not allow me ample opportunity on Mr. Medved's show or equal time on your radio stations to personally present facts that directly contradict Mr. Medved's slanderous and defamatory statements, I demand that you issue an immediate oral retraction on your radio stations, and that this retraction include a fair and accurate historical outline of my background, my character, my mental health status and my motives for filing legal actions on behalf of my clients. I also request that this oral retraction present a fair and unbiased presentation of the legal merits of my case, and the merits of similar lawsuits that Mr. Medved lumped together with mine.
In addition, I demand that Mr. Medved and your affiliate stations issue a written retraction to be placed on Mr. Medved's personal/business web site, on the TownHall.com web site, on ALL your affiliate stations web sites in which you broadcast Mr. Medved's show, and to make certain that these written retractions specifically address the issues that I outlined above.
I ask that each retraction be placed in a prominent position on your corporate web site and all of your affiliate station web sites and that "RETRACTION-Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq." be placed in the heading of the section where the retraction appears. I also request that you publish this letter along with Mr. Medved's and your company's written retraction.
Please respond to this written retraction request by email, no later than February 3, 2009 and send a hard copy of your response and written retraction to me at my Mission Viejo address via Certified Mail/Signature Required no later than February 10, 2009.
Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.
26302 La Paz, Suite 211
Mission Viejo Ca 92691
29839 S. Margarita Pkwy
Rancho Santa Margarita Ca 92688
Office: 949-586-8110
Cell: 949-683-5411
Fax: 949-586-2082
Email: dr_taitz@yahoo.com
Copy of Letter sent to TownHall.com and Michael Medved
1901 N. Moore Street, Suite 701
Arlington, VA 22209
To: Michael Medved
RE: Michael Medved Show
Email: michael@michaelmedved.com
Online Email Form: http://www.michaelmedved.com/askmike
Date: January 23, 2009
Dear Mr. Medved,
On Monday, January 19th, during your Radio Show, you had made some very disparaging and slanderous remarks concerning my character, mental state and my motives for pursuing legal actions that question Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as President of the United States. You had also made "false" statements concerning the merits of the legal actions that I have filed and insinuated that my primary motive for pursuing these matters is to receive monetary donations from an unsuspecting and misinformed public.
I find that your willful ignorance on the issues surrounding Mr. Obama's "Natural Born Citizenship" status, and your unwillingness to familiarize yourself with the merits of the numerous lawsuits that have been filed by concerned citizens, not conspiracy theorists, across this great County, is a great disservice to your listeners and the American public as a whole.
Under California law, statements, like the one's you spewed on your radio broadcast are considered defamatory. In a court of law, I would not need to show special damages (e.g., damages to property, business, trade, profession or occupation, including expenditures that resulted from your defamation statements) because the statements are defamation per se. See Cal. Civ. Code § 45a; Yow v. National Enquirer, Inc. 550 F.Supp.2d 1179, 1183 (E.D. Cal. 2008).
To remedy these slanderous and defamatory statements, California has a retraction statute, Cal. Civ. Code § 48a, that applies to the "publication of libel in a newspaper" or "slander by radio broadcast."
Under the California retraction statute, I have a right to serve you with a written request for retraction against the slanderous and defamatory statements that you made about me, my character, statements you made about my mental health and my motives for pursuing legal actions on behalf of my clients concerning Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as POTUS. Additionally, I have the right to request that you issue a retraction based on the misleading and misinformed derogatory comments that you made concerning the merits of the legal cases that I have filed involving matters relating to the Nov 4, 2008 Presidential election.
Therefore, I am demanding that you invite me on your radio show and allow me to defend myself against the slanderous and defamatory statements that you made about me so we can further discuss these false statements and the misinformation you made public regarding the legal merits of the cases I am litigating. If you do not allow me ample opportunity on your show to personally present facts that directly contradict your slanderous and defamatory statements, I demand that you issue an immediate oral retraction on your radio show, which includes a fair and accurate historical outline of my background, my character, my mental health status and my motives for filing legal actions on behalf of my clients. I also request that this oral retraction present a fair and unbiased presentation of the legal merits of my case, and the merits of similar lawsuits that you lumped together with mine.
In addition, I demand that you issue a written retraction on your personal/business web site and on the TownHall.com web site, that specifically addresses the issues outlined above. I ask that this retraction is placed in a prominent position on the site and that "RETRACTION-Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq." be placed in the heading of the section where the retraction appears. I also request that you publish this letter along with your written retraction.
Please respond to this written retraction request by email, no later than February 3, 2009 and send a hard copy of your response and written retraction to me at my Mission Viejo address via Certified Mail/Signature Required no later than February 10, 2009.
Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.
26302 La Paz, Suite 211
Mission Viejo Ca 92691
29839 S. Margarita Pkwy
Rancho Santa Margarita Ca 92688
Office: 949-586-8110
Cell: 949-683-5411
Fax: 949-586-2082
Email: dr_taitz@yahoo.com
Take the test.
FIRST QUESTION: Who IS the actual and lawful 44th President of the USA?
ANSWER: Joe Biden
Biden was initially the Acting President for at least 5 minutes under either the Constitution’s Article 2 or the Constitution’s 20th Amendment, from 12:00 Noon 1/20/09, having already taken his Oath of Office and before Obama completed his ‘oath’ at approximately 12:05 PM, 1/20/09. Under the 20th Amendment if the President-elect shall have failed to qualify, or alternatively under Article 2 if the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term, being 12:00 Noon 1/20/09, which ability and/or qualification includes that he take the Article 2 oath “before he enter on the execution of his office,” then either the Presidency shall devolve on the Vice President under Article 2 or the Vice President shall act as President under the 20th Amendment. (The importance of the oath in ‘commencing’ an ‘Obama Presidency’ — rather than merely the 1/20/09 Noon time — is confirmed by the re-take of the ‘oath’ by Obama at the White House on 1/21/09 after the first ‘oath’ was NOT administered by Justice Roberts NOR recited by Obama in the words as required under Article 2.)
This is significant because at such time that the Supreme Court finally rules on the merits on Obama’s disqualification as not being an Article 2 “natural born citizen” (clearly he is NOT), Biden’s automatic status (without needing to take a separate Presidential Oath) of being President would be predicated upon four different bases: First, having been Vice President under Article 2; second, having been Vice President-elect under the 20th Amendment; third, having been actual President in the hiatus before Obama took the ‘oath(s)’; and fourth, retroactively deemed President during the full period of the Obama usurpation so that the acts of the Federal Government under the usurpation can be deemed authorized and/or ratified by Biden’s legitimacy.
SECOND QUESTION: Who will be the 45th President?
ANSWER: Hillary Clinton
One must assume that Bill and Hillary Clinton have been aware of all of the above. Biden’s wife recently “let the cat out of the bag” on the Oprah Show that both Biden and Hillary had considered alternatively Veep or Secretary of State, in either case, setting up Hillary to be President on a vote of the Democratic Congress if need be.
THIRD QUESTION: Is Obama an unwitting victim of this troika or a knowing participant?
ANSWER: Yet undetermined.
Let's All help Orly by emailing Joe Davis, joeD@salem.cc, President of Salem Communications, Chris Henderson, chrish@salem.cc Salem Communication's General Counsel and Michael Medved at michael@michaelmedved.com or using Medved's Online Form at http://www.michaelmedved.com/askmike.
CALL Salem Communications, aka, Salem Web Networks www.salemwebnetwork.com at 805-987-0400 and the producers at the Michael Medved Show at 1-800-955-1776.
Let's tell Salem Communications and Michael Medved that we are going to BOYCOTT Salem Communications and all of their affiliate radio stations listed here http://townhall.com/SiteMap.aspx. Lets let them know that we will unsubscribe to www.Townhall.com, www.TownhallMagazine.com and BOYCOTT of their advertisors too, if they DO NOT issue a retraction and provide Orly with the appropriate airtime on Michael Medved's show or on another broadcast which will allow Orly to defend herself against Medved's slanderous, defamatory and completely ill-informed comments regarding her character and the merits of her legal actions.
Act Now!! Bombard them with Emails and Phone Calls!
I think Orly Taitz is very courageous, I admire her very much. May God bless her!
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